An old track, winding in the dry heat through a Mediterranean forest full of imperceptible existence, conjures by turn islands of motion and stillness, movement of repeated steps, the low sound of letters sung. The order of the vowels of the Beith-luis-nin alphabet is related to ancient earlier beliefs which travelled by sea with the Black Sea tribes or the Scythians through the Hellespont; or journeyed with the Phoenicians to Iberia; or were most probably transported by Perseus who flew from the glades of Tartessus to the forests of Ireland with the letters of the alphabet wrapped in a crane-bag.
The cryptic alphabet whispers of the invisible roots that nurture displacement. It sings of chthonic knowledge and of the spiral growth of trees in extreme conditions, of plants and seasons, of the ebb and flow of the tide, of regeneration and renewal in a cycle of eternal return.
Filmed on location and edited by Jacqui Devenney Reed